We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Frog Song Farm

Articles: Frog Song Farm

A raised circular bed of deer-resistant perennials creates a welcome entry garden at Frog Song Farm. Photo: Sandy Scott

It was meant to be a quiet weekend for two on the spectacular Mendocino County coast of Northern California, but by Monday we found ourselves the proud, if somewhat stunned, owners of a second home. Buying a house was not our intention. But the compelling property that has become Frog Song Farm was perfect for the life we anticipated in retirement. We envisioned a family retreat for our four children, their future spouses, and a place of enchantment for our then-only-imaginary, grandchildren. It was October, 1998.

Surrounded by the native forest Frog Song Farm flourishes above a pond on the 30-acre property. Photo: Sandy Scott

But the vision we saw that weekend meant something different to each of us. My husband loved the little town of Point Arena with its world-class surfing, dramatic cliffs along the ocean, and historic lighthouse. He saw the possibilities in the multiple houses on our property. As a life-long ...


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