We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

It’s a Tree for All

Articles: It’s a Tree for All

A Martin Luther King Day of Service in January 2015 drew Tree for All volunteers to Ibach Park in Tualatin, Oregon. Photo: courtesy of Clean Water Services

[sidebar]Find about more about the Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District at www.SWCD.net.[/sidebar]

Ask any child to draw a city and common images emerge: tall buildings, roads and cars, pavement. However, throughout the West, these crayon-rendered social critiques may soon reflect an important shift. From short, bushy, and flower-laden to towering, leafy, and crawling with critters, trees are making a comeback. And we have concerned citizens and dedicated gardeners to thank.

The return of trees is well under way in Washington County, Oregon, where Tree for All has united local agencies like the Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District, non-profit organizations, and private citizens to exceed what was once considered an audacious goal. Led by Clean Water Services, the Tree for All initiative started 10 years ago with a goal of planting two million native trees and shrubs throughout Washington County. However, in that decade, farmers, fo...


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