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A Photographer looks at Lotusland

Articles: A Photographer looks at Lotusland

Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla. Photo: Saxon Holt

The last time that I visited Lotusland in Santa Barbara, California, I was there on assignment to photograph prehistoric plants, those that existed in a sad time before flowers. Lotusland is well known for its Cycad collection, but I was particularly impressed by the garden’s collection of Norfolk Island pines (Araucaria heterophylla), that were growing ever so much taller than the potted plants I was familiar with that are commonly grown as houseplants or little Christmas trees.

I guess because I was already stretching my neck to look up at the trees, I continued doing so as I walked the garden. Everywhere I looked I found leaves and branches creating patterns and shapes against the sky.

The branches of tree aloe (Aloe barberae) look like sparklers in the sunlight. Photo: Saxon Holt

Lotusland is a fantastical garden. And so beyond my understanding as a garden photographer that on my first visit many years ago, I did not take a single picture. Certainly some of that ...


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