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An Undersea Garden

Articles: An Undersea Garden

The new Undersea Garden outside the Ecke Building at Quail Botanical Gardens in Encinitas, California. Photographs by Bob Wigand

The underseas world of exotic coral reefs is a dazzling spectacle that has long fascinated divers and snorkelers. Shoals of bright fish weave among colorful coral outcrops, while an array of marine life in a variety of forms, patterns, and hues inhabits the sea floor. Corals, sponges, and sea anemones so resemble plants that coral reefs look like underwater cultivated gardens. Exploring the reverse of that mimicry is a garden that opened in January, 2005, at Quail Botanical Gardens (QBG) in Encinitas, California.

An array of succulents mimicking marine life fills the beds of the Undersea Garden

In 2002, Jeff Moore, owner of Solana Succulents in nearby Solana Beach, decided to use a variety of succulents that resembled marine life for an underseas-themed display at the annual Del Mar Fair. Combining his snorkeling experience with horticultural expertise, Jeff created an award-winning display and followed ...


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