We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Breeding Urban (Plant) Warriors

Articles: Breeding Urban (Plant) Warriors

Growing fields at Greenwood Daylily Gardens retain and filter polluted runoff from neighboring roads and properties. Photo: courtesy of Greenwood Daylily Gardens

John Schoustra came to the nursery trade by way of landscape architecture and years of experience in landscape design and build. Today he’s the owner of Greenwood Daylily Gardens, located in the quiet agricultural town of Somis just east of coastal Ventura, California, where he is committed to identifying, breeding, and producing beautiful hardworking plants for California landscape professionals.

Southern California nurseryman, John Schoustra.

A conversation between PHS board president Steve Gerischer and John Schoustra.

SG: John, you started with a degree in Landscape Architecture and working in design/build—what led to running a nursery?

JS: I always intended to start a California native plant nursery, but after getting to know owners Mike and Jeff at Tree of Life Nursery I decided I couldn't do a better job than what they were already doing. Over time, my niche b...


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