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In Filoli’s Greenhouses

Articles: In Filoli’s Greenhouses

Kelly Osborn, lead greenhouse gardener at Filoli, and contributor Clare Al-Witri chat about propagation and color in the historic garden. Photo: Ryan Tuttle

I visited Filoli in early November to interview Hallie Schmidt for a story that appeared in the spring 2017 issue of Pacific Horticulture. I couldn’t help but slip in this short conversation with Kelly Osborn, lead gardener for Filoli’s greenhouse and propagation operation.

Kelly has worked at Filoli for nearly 23 years. She came to the garden first as a local high school student on a horticulture class field trip. On first walking through the garden she envisioned it as a place she would like to work. Kelly joined the Filoli team as an intern and has since held all of the gardener positions in the greenhouse section.

On any given visit to Filoli, the garden is a riot of color provided by bedding annuals and bulbs, rotating outdoor and indoor container plantings, and cut flower arrangements; ephemeral effects that change from season to season and year to year. Much of this plant material is grown on in the greenhouses and nursery yard before it is ...


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