We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Garden Revolution

Articles: Garden Revolution

Garden Revolution reinforces what we’ve been told again and again—and thankfully are beginning to heed—that as garden makers, we need to pay attention to the local ecology. But perhaps the revolution of the title is the notion that we adopt this approach not solely because it’s good for the planet but because it’s “easier and far more rewarding to transform the human landscape in this fashion.”

Landscapes are far from static. Maturing trees cast shade, shrubs elbow out companion perennials, and groundcovers, well, cover. If you’ve ever tried to stop time and fix a garden picture—or hurry it forward to maturity for that matter—you know only too well how arduous and ultimately futile the effort can be.

The authors’ perspective—more cooperation, less dominion—is most welcome. What a relief it is to be encouraged to accommodate and welcome a garden’s ever-changing nature. The passage of time introduces mystery, excitement, and a sense of discovery—even in a small garden like mine.

The book begins by reacquainting readers with natural systems long in place. The book is in Weaner’s voice and in this section he pays respect to mentors, innovators, and adventuresome horticulturist...


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