We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Germinate, Renewal & Reinvention

Articles: Germinate, Renewal & Reinvention

Most gardeners I know look at every New Year as another chance for renewal and reinvention. I know I do. Improvisation and seasonal rhythms—along with the occasional aberrant departure and the sometimes alarming consequences—are as familiar to us as the grip of our favorite trowel. Maybe that’s why we’re so resilient.

Luminous individual wafer-like seeds of a Lomatium seedhead. Photo: John Whittlesey

Conditions change, the climate shifts, as do social and political agendas, yet collectively our body of knowledge and experience grows. Nature is a catalyst for growth in far more ways than a dormant seed that springs to life in response to lengthening days and warmer temps. Although, as you’ll discover in the pages ahead, seeds are amazing instruments of natural engineering and art that are at the heart of biodiversity—and life.

In this issue we meet an unsettled young architect who, in response to a mere germ of an idea, left home and security for the other side of the world in her search to learn more about sustainability. Here in the West designers are working with plants and very local conditions to i...


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