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Gold Medallion Tree

Articles: Gold Medallion Tree

Gold medallion tree (Cassia leptophylla). Photographs by Don Walker

Although we do have our tropical moments in Southern California, even our mildest climates are still too cool and dry most of the year to qualify as truly tropical. Even though we never stop trying, so many of the world’s most beautiful tropical trees simply do not do well here. Every so often, however, a new tree comes along that defies all apprehensions and becomes an unexpected superstar. Such is the “Cinderella story” of the gold medallion tree (Cassia leptophylla), which is fast becoming a popular street tree in Southern California.


Native to southeastern Brazil, gold medallion tree looks far too tropical to ever succeed in California; yet it does, and in spectacular fashion. A member of the pea family (Fabaceae), it does have some famous tropical relatives, most notably golden shower (Cassia fistula) and rainbow shower (Cassia xnealiae)—trees familiar to gardeners in Hawaii and South Florida but generally unhappy here. Although it shares the large, showy flowers and tropical-looking foliage of its cousins, gold m...


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