We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Growing a Giving Business

Articles: Growing a Giving Business

Crew leader Anthony Gutierrez builds a Living Fountain—a Mariposa creation that cleans laundry water by biofiltration. Photo: Andrea Hurd

[sidebar]Find out more about the company’s design work and services at www.mariposagardening.com.[/sidebar]

Since 2005, Mariposa Gardening & Design has been inspiring gardeners with beautiful and ecologically sustainable gardens. Now, leading by example, the company is working to bring social change to the landscaping industry as it becomes a worker-owned cooperative that helps the planet and supports its community.

I grew up in rural Oregon during the 1970s and 1980s in a small town nestled between Portland and the Oregon Coast Range. Many of my friends lived on farms. We used to ride horses, build forts out of hay bales in barns, and play games of fantasy and imagination in the woods. Almost everyone we knew grew at least a portion of their own food. Our home was close to town on an acre of land that was filled with fruit trees, berries, grapes, and a large vegetable garden, as well as a lawn, roses, and ornamental flower beds. Every Saturday my mother assigned...


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