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Julia Morgan Hall Gardens

Articles: Julia Morgan Hall Gardens

The new garden designed by Ron Lutsko surrounds Julia Morgan Hall in its new location in the University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley. Photo: Earl Nickel

In 1894, Julia Morgan, who became one of California’s most esteemed architects, was the only woman in her civil engineering class at the University of California, Berkeley. She befriended Bernard Maybeck, who encouraged her training and taught her to develop a view of architecture that considered the natural surroundings as an integral part of each building’s design.

So it’s fitting that one of her designs for the UC Berkeley campus should find a new home in the University of California Botanical Garden at Berkeley (UCBG). Girton Hall, later known as Senior Women’s Hall, originally served as a childcare center. [[correction: In the early 20th century, women students at the Cal didn’t have a place of their own—a campus retreat. Architect Julia Morgan was hired and funds were raised to build Senior Women’s Hall, completed in 1911. The resource existed until the 1970s when the building was repurposed into a campus child care center.]] In the fa...


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