We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Laboratory Report 07.30.19

Articles: Laboratory Report 07.30.19

No Surprise To Gardeners
One of the most recognized weeds in our gardens is believed to express autotomy—that is the sacrifice of a body part in order to survive. Microscopic examination of Oxalis pes-caprae reveals an area at the base of each leaf petiole where the cells are smaller, creating a distinct notch. The tensile strength of the structure at that point measures significantly lower than other points along the petioles. When a leaf is pulled, as might happen when disturbed by a hungry herbivore, or tugged on by an annoyed gardener, the petiole breaks easily at that weak point leaving the buried bulbs and the plant meristem intact, able to continue growing. The detached part, as an added bonus to the plant, the detached part remains viable.

Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 20 February 2019. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsif.2018.0737
This Plant Grows On It's Own Terms
Quite unexpectedly, a rare Japanese orchid, Cyrtosia septentrionalis, was recently found growing in the woods at Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania. More than one large clump was found, suggesting that the orchid has been in the garden for several years. Due to its stringent growing requirement as...


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