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Landscape Designer Rex Zumwalt

Articles: Landscape Designer Rex Zumwalt

The collective vision of Ione and Emmott Chase and Rex Zumwalt (far right) would turn the Chase Garden into one of the designer’s most enduring and recognized contributions to the dialogue of landscape design. 
Photo: courtesy of The Chase Garden archives

Throughout his career, Rex Zumwalt designed tasteful, restrained landscapes that seamlessly blended with the architecture of the time. Rex graduated with a degree in landscape architecture from Oregon State University in 1955, and after a brief stint working for the Oregon State Parks Department he entered private practice as part of Chaffey Zumwalt Associates. For nearly 60 years he developed a unique, recognizable style that combined formal spaces and clean lines with decentralized plans and naturalistic, free-flowing paths.

Rex’s most noteworthy garden is the nationally recognized Chase Garden in Orting, Washington. With its awe-inspiring view and temperate climate, the landscape blended native plants with a Japanese-inspired Mid-Century modern design. Rex completed the design for the Chase Garden in 1962.

Rex designed the bones of the garden, whil...


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