We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Late Season Hebes for Northwest Gardens

Articles: Late Season Hebes for Northwest Gardens

Hebe ‘Violacea’
The majority of species in this genus, about 100 including undescribed species, are endemic to New Zealand, with a few others found in Australia and South America. The genus includes plants of shrubby and sprawling growth as well as small trees and has natural habitats ranging from coastal to alpine.
Yvonne Cave and Valda Paddison, The Gardener's Encyclopaedia of New Zealand Native Plants

For plant enthusiasts in the Pacific Northwest, fall has never represented the end of the gardening season but rather a time of transition following the flush of growth and riot of color that is summer. Fall is the quiet season, and foliage takes center stage, especially the change of color in deciduous leaves. Less often considered are fall-blooming plants, those that are in their peak in October and November, and perhaps even into December. Asters, roses, and other flowers of late summer are nearly finished, and it is too early for hellebores, wintersweet (Chimonanthus), sweetbox (Sarcococca), and the many other plants that flower in winter. The list of plants in full bloom in fall is fairly short. Grass...


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