We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

From the Board President

Articles: From the Board President

Each year in the April issue, we thank those who have made contributions to the Friends of Pacific Horticulture over the past year. We are fortunate to have the support of a community of Friends, both individual and corporate, whose donations make it possible for us to maintain the high quality of the magazine, and to offer a variety of educational programs. Support from our donors is vital; subscription fees only cover one third of the cost of producing Pacific Horticulture!

Pacific Horticulture is the magazine for West Coast gardeners who appreciate its well-written articles, calendar of events, special features, and readable format. We depend heavily on enthusiastic gardeners, writers, photographers, and illustrators who donate their stories and images to the magazine. Our new website offers content beyond that found in the magazine; it was made possible by generous funding from the Pendleton and Elisabeth C Miller Charitable Foundation, by the late Peter Newton, a long-time Friend of the foundation, and by individual members of the board.

Our Gardening Under Mediterranean Skies V symposium was a great success last year in San Diego. This year, it will take place in Monter...


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