We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Nature is a Game Changer

Articles: Nature is a Game Changer

Signs within each garden in the Authentic Foothill Gardens landscape identify features like this permeable pathway, and highlight key plants. Photo: Lesley Hall Photography for FormLA Landscaping
California’s distinctive beauty is recognized around the world. Our coastline and cityscapes alike are iconic. Some of that beauty is manufactured. Some is authentically natural.
I’m not sure why we fake it. Authentic beauty, a mix of lush, leafy native plants, combined with permeable hardscape that recognizes the need to absorb every drop of water, is more than delightful. It is essential. And it can protect us from natural disasters like fires, floods, and slides, super-charge our economy and home budgets, and leave a bright new world for our kids.
Nature is a game changer.
For nature to work its magic, we need to start seeing the unseen—the spaces between buildings, abandoned lots and parking lots, freeway median strips, school playgrounds, and city hall landscapes. These often neglected spaces can have an outsized impact on the environment, the economy, and our health and equity when we effectively harness the...


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