We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Orchestrating Color and Joy

Articles: Orchestrating Color and Joy

Spring bulbs, flowering shrubs, and early season grasses and Geum ‘Totally Tangerine’ create a colorful matrix surrounding a work entitled Cattails. Photo: Richard Hartlage, Land Morphology

Chihuly Garden and Glass

305 Harrison Street
Seattle, Washington 98109


When the idea of creating a garden and a temporary exhibition space at the foot of Seattle’s Space Needle was first conceived, vintage automobiles were considered as a possible draw for the visiting public. Richard Hartlage, currently a principal in the Seattle-based landscape design firm Land Morphology, became aware of the project through one of his clients on the Space Needle’s board of directors. It was not long until the idea evolved into a landscape and gallery space featuring the work and collections of the world-renowned artist Dale Chihuly, whose fantastical glassworks have been the center of successful installations at botanical gardens and sites around the world.

Chihuly’s first garden installation at the Jens Jensen-designed greenhouse in Garfield Park on Chicago’s West Side in 2001, followed by sh...


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