We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Planting Design for Dry Gardens

Articles: Planting Design for Dry Gardens

French author Olivier Filippi’s new work, Planting Design for Dry Gardens is a big coffee table-sized volume. Prominently display this book in between serious reads of its vast amount of focused gardening information, observations, and recommendations that go way beyond just planting design. This knowledge is based on Olivier and his wife, Clara’s, 20-plus years of growing nursery plants, planting and maintaining gardens, and traveling the world’s mediterranean climates observing gardens and landscapes in an impressive variety of settings.

Clearly, the book’s mission is to educate readers to the important and beautiful alternatives to lawns in dry-climate regions. Filippi masterfully guides us to adopt appropriate groundcovers and other plants for a summer-dry, mediterranean-influenced climate.

Even if you garden in a region that could naturally support a lawn with rainfall, Filippi’s many alternative garden approaches inspire change. In a summer-dry region, converting a lawn to one of his many captivating examples results in a water-conserving garden filled with visually dynamic plant combinations based on foliage texture, flower color, and height differentiation, and introd...


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