We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Planting the New California Garden Part 4: Kelly Kilpatrick

Articles: Planting the New California Garden Part 4: Kelly Kilpatrick

Colorful—and resilient—drought-tolerant plants mingle in the hillside garden in Tiburon. Photo: Kelly Kilpatrick

This is the fourth and final story in the series we named Planting the New California Garden. Throughout 2017 we've been highlighting the work of APLD designers to illustrate practical water-use data beautifully brought to life in a finished landscape. Our series is funded in part by a grant from the Saratoga Horticultural Research Foundation.

A beautiful view from the garden takes in the Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. Photo: Kelly Kilpatrick

The hot, south-facing slope is a challenging location with a thin, rocky soil. Photo: Kelly Kilpatrick

In 2013, Kelly Kilpatrick began work on this drought-tolerant garden in Tiburon, California. The property is on a hot, south-facing slope with a view of San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge. The decomposed granite pathways echo the brown tones in the borrowed view of neighboring hillsides. It’s a ch...


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