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Puget Sound Fisher House

Articles: Puget Sound Fisher House

The sensory-rich landscape at Puget Sound Fisher House is both productive and soothing. Photo: Jerry Cahill

The Fisher House is a place of respite, where guests form supportive communities during difficult times. Part of a system of “comfort homes” throughout the United States and Europe, these welcoming lodging facilities offer a peaceful oasis for families with a veteran receiving care at a VA hospital. The homes, built by the Fisher House Foundation and gifted to the government to maintain, are sited near both VA and Department of Defense hospitals.

The Puget Sound Fisher House opened its doors to veteran and military families in 2008. By necessity, it was built in the parking lot of Seattle’s VA hospital. Though fenced, the original landscape, which consisted of lawns and perimeter plantings, was open to cars and pedestrians on all sides.

Sculptural art and benches placed throughout the garden provide focal points and places to rest. Photo: Jerry Cahill

Programs at the house, paid for with donations through the Friends of VA...


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