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Resource Guide: More Fragrant Plants

Articles: Resource Guide: More Fragrant Plants

Golden chain tree (Laburnum anagyroides). Photo: Wikimedia Commons

“Gardening is a sensual experience and while secondary to sight, our sense of smell nonetheless adds a complementary and vivid way in which to interact with our garden treasures.”

More favorite fragrant plants called out by the Curious Plantsman:

Cassia didymobotrya. Better known as ‘Popcorn Cassia’ this 10- to 12-foot tree produces bright green pinnate leaves comprised of 16 to 32 elliptic leaflets. One inch plus, golden open, cup-shaped flowers appear in summer. Leaves smell strongly of popcorn, making it one of the most unique fragrances in your garden.

Clematis armandii ‘Snowdrift.’ Though all C. armandii are fragrant, the white-flowering ‘Snowdrift’ is intensely so. An evergreen clematis that likes the sun, this vigorous climber is best sited where you can inhale its sweet and heady fragrance on a daily basis in spring.

Clerodendrum bungei or C. fragrans. Flowers on both of these glory bowers emit a very pleasing, sweet fragrance; C. bungei is easier to find in the trade and more cold hardy, C. fragrans needs protection from ...


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