We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Revealing the “Essence of the Tree”: Aesthetic Pruning of Japanese Maples

Articles: Revealing the “Essence of the Tree”: Aesthetic Pruning of Japanese Maples

Japanese maples are among the most rewarding trees to prune because of their shape and the wide vocabulary of their branching structure—from the strongest limb to the most delicate twig.

The graceful flow of the trunk, delicate leaves flickering in the wind, translucent in light, the beautiful colors. . . . From the first time I saw one, years before becoming a garden designer and aesthetic pruner, Japanese maples found a special place in my heart, as they have for many others. What some may not realize is that artistically and scientifically informed pruning can make all the difference in how much of their refined essence reveals itself to us.

Entry into the world of garden design gave me the opportunity to design with Japanese maples. These beautiful trees can be incorporated into gardens of almost any design, whether in the ground or in a container, with careful attention paid to composition and microclimate. Japanese maples (Acer palmatum) are available in hundreds of cultivars that offer a variety of forms and a wide range of colors. Here in the West, they do extremely well and are remarkably adaptable. They thrive in the varied microclimates of Northern California a...


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