We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Succulent Gardens

Articles: Succulent Gardens

Tip: Arrange succulents like artists use paints, blending beautiful colors and shapes. Photo: Caitlin Atkinson

Succulents are seductive. 

Sophisticated designers and seasoned gardeners experimenting with creative container compositions revel in the plants’ graphic form, dizzying range of colors, and defiance of hot dry weather. Their easy care disposition is a good fit for busy lives. Newbie growers, beguiled by the plants’ forgiving nature, wade into planting for the first time, experience success, and discover the allure of tending a garden.

But what’s next? Editor Lorene Edwards Forkner sat down with Robin Stockwell to get his take on the question. Stockwell, a lifelong nurseryman and self-avowed succulent “showman,” whose new book, Succulents, The Ultimate Guide to Choosing, Designing, and Growing 200 Easy-Care Plants, exhorts gardeners to set succulents loose in the landscape. “They’re just plants—it’s hard to make a mistake if you give them what they need,” he says. “Be playful!”

The following is an excerpt from Succulents by Robin Stockwell. Copyright © 2017 Oxmoor House. Reprinted with p...


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