We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

The Art of Weaving Plants and Place

Articles: The Art of Weaving Plants and Place

Clematis ‘Multi Blue’ in Wisteria frutescens var. macrostachya ‘Blue Moon’. Photo: Marietta and Ernie O’Byrne

“Making a garden is not a gentle hobby. . . . It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole, and once it has done so he will have to accept that his life is going to be radically changed. There are seasons when he will hesitate to travel and if he does travel, his mind will be distracted by the thousand and one children he has left behind, children who are always in peril of one sort or another. However sober he may have been before, he will soon become an inveterate gambler who cuts his losses and begins again; he may think he intends to pare down on spending energy and money, but that is an illusion, and he soon learns that a garden is an ever-expanding venture. Whatever he had considered to be his profession has become an avocation. The vocation is his garden.”

—May Sarton, Plant Dreaming Deep

Lazy, blowsy summer days are here. It is midsummer and the five perennial borders are in full exuberant growth. Six-foot-tall, bright yellow Asiatic lilies have been blooming all through midsummer to...


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