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The Curious Plantsman Looks at Dwarf Conifers

Articles: The Curious Plantsman Looks at Dwarf Conifers

A variety of color and texture in the conifer garden at The Oregon Garden in Silverton. Photo: Janice LeCocq

For many gardeners, the sight of a stately, mature conifer is awe-inspiring. Some of us are lucky to have one in our gardens, but their sheer size makes it difficult to accommodate more than one or two. Fortunately, for those who wishfully imagine an assortment of these interesting denizens in their city garden, there is a solution to this dilemma. The answer: think small. A wide range of dwarf conifers is available, and that number is growing as gardeners discover their unique charms.


The Oregon Garden is an 80-acre botanic garden located in Silverton, Oregon. Owned by the non-profit Oregon Garden Foundation, the garden showcases a wide variety of plants and garden habitats. The garden houses the only Frank Lloyd Wright home in Oregon. www.oregongarden.org [/sidebar]

A visit to The Oregon Garden, home to one of the country’s greatest conifer collections, jumpstarted my interest in dwarf varieties. Plants in the OG Conifer Garden come from all over the world—some so rare as to only ...


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