We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

The Transplanted Gardener

Articles: The Transplanted Gardener

Towering coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) in the San Francisco Botanical Garden Redwood Grove. Photo: Saxon Holt/PhotoBotanic

Before moving west, I helped lead MillionTrees NYC, an initiative to plant one million trees throughout New York City. We planted trees throughout the parks system, in natural areas, around schools, and in just about every other corner of the city. When you plant that many trees, they go everywhere! One of the most visible locations where I led tree planting was along streets. We planted street trees in front of homes, businesses, and skyscrapers in all five boroughs.

We planted a diverse range of two-and-a-half-inch caliper, balled and burlapped trees, which were dug from their rural nursery sites, placed on trucks, and sent to the largest city in the United States. I often joked that every tree we planted had to be tough to survive the streets of New York City. They had to endure the heat, the salt, the dogs, the delivery trucks, the trash, and the unexpectedness that lurks around every corner of New York City.

Each of these trees were hand-selected by a trained forester, ...


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