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Urban Farmsteads

Articles: Urban Farmsteads

A homemade rolling wooden farm stand at Purdy Urban Farm offers up a generous harvest for sharing. Photo: Melissa Keyser

Having extra produce, particularly in peak season, is nothing new to the home vegetable gardener. People have been sharing that extra harvest for decades (hello, zucchini!), but selling it? Until recently, selling homegrown produce was illegal in Sacramento.

In the past, growing produce for sale was defined as a “market garden,” and was not allowed in commercial, residential, or industrial zoned property. Whether it was a large farm or simply a few raised beds, market gardens were only allowed on land that was zoned agricultural.

In 2015, the city of Sacramento passed the Urban Farm Ordinance. Later in 2017, the county followed suit. These ordinances created a new permissible activity that allows residents to use their property for “urban agriculture.” There are, of course, rules that need to be met, but people on almost any lot, whether residential, business, or empty and unused, can grow food and sell it.

The passing of these ordinances not only sets up a framework for people wh...


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