We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Valuable Garden Plants from Baja, California

Articles: Valuable Garden Plants from Baja, California

An impressive specimen of cherry blossom euphorbia (Euphorbia xanti) at Solana Succulents in San Diego County. Photo: Clayton Tschudy
Many plant species native to the Baja, California (Baja) Peninsula have proven tough enough to handle the worst conditions gardeners can muster north of the border, including drought and heavy soils. Several plants from Baja are not only worthy for use in Southern California gardens, but will often stop traffic at peak bloom. 
As our climate continues to warm, utilizing plants drawn from nearby, southerly regions will become a key adaptive strategy that offers drought tolerance, habitat value, and new aesthetic opportunities.

Guadalupe palm (Brahea edulis). Photo: Zoya Akulova (CC BY-NC 3.0)
TREES: Like most native trees north of the border, larger trees in Baja are found along stream sides or in the mountains where higher levels of water are present. The list below is focused on smaller, more drought tolerant specimens, though all may reach significant sizes with time.
Guadalupe palm (Brahea ed...


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