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Westwind Farm Studio

Articles: Westwind Farm Studio

A pool set in the lush landscape at Westwind Farm Studio offers welcome refreshment on a hot July day. Photo: Scott Weber

When a busload of 80 garden bloggers—overheated and travel-weary—descended upon Westwind Farm Studio one July afternoon, the exhaustion they’d felt just moments before began to fade away as they fell under the charm of this extraordinary place. Owner Maryellen McCulloch couldn’t have been happier. Connection to a larger community—be it bloggers from around the world, or wildlife that regularly visits—and connecting that community to the earth, is at the very heart of what Maryellen and her husband Michael want for their land.

Nestled in the hills northwest of downtown Portland, Westwind Farm has been home to Maryellen and her two children since 2003; her architect husband, Michael McCulloch, joined them in 2005. Maryellen recalls it was around 2006 when they began to look out at the land around the home—a midcentury modern classic designed by Pietro Belluschi—and see a project, a 20-year plan with far-reaching benefits they may not be around to enjoy. Gardening for the future, in other...


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