We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

A Mediterranean Garden in Seattle

Articles: A Mediterranean Garden in Seattle

Rustic rock steps give structure to a loose arrangement of plants, including Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’ with its golden orange flowers. Author’s photographs
When Shelagh and Phil Tucker thought twice about paying the water bill for an expansive lawn at their home in North Seattle, their decision to replace it led to an exuberant garden full of year round interest. They called me to assist in creating a water-wise design. Shelagh suggested a Mediterranean theme; she knew that many plants native to the Mediterranean would do well on the sandy south facing slope.
In Seattle, two to three months of dry weather in the warmest season can be a challenge to gardeners who grow plants from summer-wet climates. Plants from mediterranean climates provide an alternative. Gardeners around the world have used Mediterranean Basin plants for their beauty and low water needs. The plant palette can expand to include those from other regions with a mediterranean climate— Chile, South Africa, Australia, and the West Coast of North America—all marked by mild wet winters and dry summers.

In addition to a variety of plants, th...


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