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Cyclamen for Winter and Spring

Articles: Cyclamen for Winter and Spring

A pale form of Cyclamen pseudoibericum. Author’s photographs from the Elisabeth C Miller Botanical Garden, except as noted

There is something captivating about a cyclamen. Perhaps the daintiness of the reflexed petals or the bright clean colors of the flowers engage our eyes. Certainly, the handsome silver-streaked leaves, spread like heart-shaped doilies under the blossoms, add to the magic. The Elisabeth C Miller Botanical Garden has focused on rare and unusual plants, researching the best way to cultivate treasures such as the many species of cyclamen. Over the years we have grown a number of species and selections, with varying degrees of success. I hope our experiences will encourage others to seek out and grow these marvelous plants. Many Cyclamen species can be a challenge to find, but specialty organizations, such as the Cyclamen Society and the North American Rock Garden Society, make seeds of the species available to their members and others.

Cyclamen alpinum

Cyclamen alpinum
(formerly C. trochopteranthum)

It is a rar...


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