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Shaping Place in the Landscape

Articles: Shaping Place in the Landscape

The Valentine garden. Photo: courtesy of Isabelle Greene

Isabelle Greene photographed in the Lovelace garden. Photo: Undine Pröhl
It is a rare rainy day in Santa Barbara when I arrive at Isabelle Greene’s office. The low-ceilinged front room is softly lit with an overall patina of many years of use, filled with drafting tables, file cabinets, and a comfortable sofa. Adjacent is Isabelle’s library, inspiration spilling from the overflowing bookcases. We settle in at the central table for our conversation.
The early years
Revered as one of the most innovative landscape architects of our time, Isabelle’s career is grounded in the Western geography of the United States. Her early years were spent in Pasadena, at the foot of the San Gabriel Mountains. Here, her grandfather and great-uncle were partners in the Greene & Greene architectural firm and influential in the burgeoning American Arts and Crafts movement, especially in California where their iconic Craftsman aesthetic has endured. Isabelle’s grandfather, Henry Mather Gre...


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