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The Art of Gardening

Articles: The Art of Gardening

For gardeners, autumn possesses ever as much in terms of anticipation as does spring. Colchicums and autumn crocus, asters, the fire of sumac and maples and, of course, spiced pumpkin latte’s on those first frosty late October mornings. This year, however, there exists an ancillary expectancy for those enamored with making good gardens; the release of The Art of Gardening by the director and staff of Chanticleer, the darling of North American botanical gardens.

Chanticleer is the standard bearer of excellence in horticulture worldwide, demonstrating what can result when playful creativity and an obsession with detail collides head-on with singular plantsmanship. The garden, on the outskirts of Wayne, Pennsylvania, and built by Adolph Rosengarten in the early teens of the 20th century, is roughly 50 acres in size. Chanticleer opened to the public in 1993 and has dazzled and bewitched visitors ever since.

The garden director and primary author of this book, R. William Thomas, has fostered an enviable chemistry amongst his staff of seven highly competent and respected gardeners. Each contributed sections of the manuscript focusing on the specific areas within Chanticleer that th...


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