We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants

Touring South Sound Gardens

Articles: Touring South Sound Gardens

Six gardens in the south Puget Sound/Seattle area found a creative solution by joining together to market and support each other. South Sound Gardens, a group of geographically related gardens, formed in 2014 to collectively promote gardens that give visitors a variety of garden experiences and unique plant collections.
Plan a Pacific Northwest gardening day trip and visit all six, or enjoy a relaxing afternoon in any one of these beautiful gardens. A relaxing stroll through any of these delightful gardens will soothe your senses and delight your eyes.

The sloping rock garden in colorful spring bloom. Photo: courtesy of the Chase Garden.
Chase Garden
Located well off the beaten path, the Chase Garden sits on a bluff overlooking the Puyallup River Valley near the town of Graham, Washington, with spectacular views of Mount Rainier in the distance.
The 4.5-acre garden has a distinct Japanese influence. Trails wander through wooded areas, along water features, and include several benches to sit and reflect on the peacefulness of the area. Native shrubs, trillium, fawn lilies, and vanilla leaf mingle with ...


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