We envision a resilient world dependent on the thoughtful cultivation of plants
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Matt Ritter

Matt Ritter is a professor in the Biology Department and director of the Plant Conservatory at California Polytechnic University, San Louis Obispo. “I want to…

Striving for Diversity

Beginning in the spring of 2011 Pacific Horticulture ran a series of articles titled “Striving for Diversity” that focused on encouraging gardeners to expand the…

Tending the Urban Forest

Last year, on my way to the California Urban Forestry Conference, as I was shuttled across town to my rental car, I responded to the…

California Plants

Dr. Matt Ritter teaches botany at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and luckily for us non-students, he also lectures up and down the state of…

Digital Garden Apps

An easy way to lug your garden resources along on your next hike or road trip.
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